Mum Can You Hear Me?
Run Date: 01/02/21 - 22/02/21.
Venue: Online, in association with Living Records Festival.
Description: Mum Can You Hear Me? Was a four-act audio drama, inspired by the Essex lorry deaths of 2019. The piece itself invited the audience into the subconscious mind of a young dying woman as she struggles to say goodbye to a world and person she can no longer see.
People Involved
Alex Douglas - The Main Voice.
Alecia Maddox - Mother.
Bernadett Szabo - Writer.
Adam Cachia - Director.
Áron Gyenge - Sound Designer and Composer.

The Living Records Festival.
Created by the Living Records Theatre Company, 2021 was their first festival – and it happened entirely digitally!
Each festival participant had access to create their own microsite which served as a performance venue for their piece. Once a ticket was purchased a household could gain access to this page and watch the show.
More information about the festival and the Living Records Theatre Company can be found here.
"The power of this piece is undeniable, and it’s this that ultimately justifies it."
"This empathetic drama uses the unfolding journey to explore the physical experience as their bodies and minds are lost to the unbearable conditions."
"With the help of a soundscape that effectively surrounds you, making the audience feel as though they are living the experience."
"At thirty-eight minutes, it is, in essence, a long goodbye, and ultimately a harrowing one. A thoughtful and reflective play.."
"Mum, Can You Hear Me highlights the cost to families of such catastrophes: where desperation for a better life puts both young and old in danger. We hear, in the preamble, of final, desperate phone calls, of lack of breath, of plain fear."
- Louise Penn.
"There is no attempt at documentary — this is an imaginative evocation of the irrepressible human spirit in the teeth of despair and desperation. Superb."
- Aleks Sierz.